

Use of epigenetics and transcriptomic tools to unravel mechanisms of heavy metal accumulation and tolerance in bryophytes

Frog phylogenomics

Project Summary We are using genomic approaches to study the history and evolutionary relationships among the species of a poorly known genus of Neotropical frogs in the absence of a reference genome. Institute Estación Biológica de Doñana Researchers Santiago Montero-Mendieta Carles Vilá Matthew Webster Josá M. Padial Ignacio de la Riva Website

Sma3s: Sequence Massive Annotation Using 3 Modules

Computational tool for functionally annotating complete proteomes and transcriptomes

A practical guide to build de-novo assemblies for single tissues of non-model organisms: the example of a Neotropical frog

Whole genome sequencing (WGS) is a very valuable resource to understand the evolutionary history of poorly known species. However, in organisms with large genomes, as most amphibians, WGS is still excessively challenging and transcriptome sequencing …

Sma3s: A universal tool for easy functional annotation of proteomes and transcriptomes

The current cheapening of next‐generation sequencing has led to an enormous growth in the number of sequenced genomes and transcriptomes, allowing wet labs to get the sequences from their organisms of study. To make the most of these data, one of the …

Spadefoot Toad transcriptomics

Understanding the gene expression leading to developmental plasticity in Spadefoot toads